I've been thinking that this year's riding for me was not as good as 2009. Then I look back at the rides and think " It's been pretty good". It started off with the annual 4th of July Glade run. It was the 8th year and every time it's crazier . Terry and I started this ride in 03 and it seems to generate quite a bit of interest each year. Met some new folks and had some of the same ones too. There was a lot more snow this year. As in the
first mile was snow. We got a lot more wierd looks from the skiers as we pushed our bikes past the lodge and through the snow to the start of the trail. The riders were rolling their eyes when everyone realized what we were going to do. Oh well... Mountain Biking is exciting, thats for sure. After that weekend it was a blur of Downhilling, Surveyors Ridge, Black Rock shuttle day, Riding to the Farmers Market and more Downhilling. Met a lot of new people at the rides and thats always cool. But unfortunately my bikes are dying slowly. The enduro is definitely giving up the ghost so this will be a memorable season. The Enduro's last ride is coming soon. photos from the shuttle day from Jason van Horn. More here. http://www.ihatebikes.net/site/features/2010-black-rock-shuttle-day-gallery/